Tuesday, September 23, 2008


This blog is something of a landing pad for me. I've always believed that the real impact and benefit in communicating comes in the landing. Knowing that my message has been received, tossed around, contemplated, celebrated... abhorred, adored... whatever, has always been a huge piece of the value.

It's why I don't journal much. Journaling, for me, feels incomplete. It feels partially processed. That's not to say - at all- that journaling is not valuable. I know quite a few people who journal faithfully and find immense pleasure and positive growth from the experience. After all, intrapersonal communication is so important and meaningful in life satisfaction.

And yet, it just doesn't work for me to journal to just myself. This is where you come in, whoever you all turn out to be. This is my invitation into a conversation, hopefully right here on this blog. But if it need be, your end can be done privately and in your own life. Because I do believe in energetic effect. That said, please comment when you are inspired. While the landing is a huge deal to me, there is NOTHING as valuable to me as committed, engaged exchange of ideas.

The mission of this blog is to explore communication in everyday life. The best part about that is that virtually everything communicates! So, who knows what will arrive on this landing pad?! And if something strikes you, send it my way via michelle [at!] eloquencecommunication [*dot] com (all that strange stuff in my email address info is so that crazy spam-seeking pirates don't steal my email address and bombard me with emails). Assuming it inspires me, too, I'll blog about it and we can carry on the conversation here. In any case, thanks for showing up and providing me a landing pad.

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